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Tue, Sep 05, 2023

Colourful Mandala Pots


The Colourful Mandala Pots project is a fun way to add some colourful decorations to your home, both inside and outside. These pots have beautiful mandala patterns on them and can make your windowsill or side table look really nice. You can easily make them no matter how good you are at crafting because you don't need to cut anything. They also make great gifts for your friends or family.


Project Instructions


Materials list:





  1. Choose Your Materials

We have chosen to use our XL Decorative Glass Gems as the focal point of the project and placed the other tiles around this to create a radiating design.


2. Apply your tiles


The pot is a high gloss ceramic, which can make the application of the tiles a little slippery. To overcome this, lay your tiles on one side and apply a tacky adhesive like silicone or a cement-based adhesive.


We've used silicone for this project, spreading it onto the pot's side with a pallet knife.


Remove any excess adhesive on the top of the tiles before grouting. Allow the adhesive to cure for a least 24 hours before grouting.


3. Grouting time


We've used black grout to make the colour pop. If this is your first time grouting,   click here to get step by step instructions.


Take some time cleaning off the grout and adhesive to ensure a good result. We removed the excess adhesive with a craft knife to prevent it from showing through on the sides of the grout. Use a sharp implement to dig out any smaller tiles the grout covers.



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XL Patterned Glass Gems No. 1

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XL Patterned Glass Gems No. 1

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XL Patterned Glass Gems No. 1

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White Square Ceramic Tiles 5mm - 25 gm's


Bright Red Square Ceramic Tiles 5mm - 25 gm's


Light Blue Square Ceramic Tiles 5mm - 25 gm's


Cornflower Blue Square Ceramic Tiles 5mm - 25 gm's
